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Symmetry restoration in the mean-field description of proton-neutron pairing

Published in Physics Letters B 795, 177-182, 2019

We show that the symmetry-restored paired mean-field states (quasiparticle vacua) properly account for isoscalar versus isovector nuclear pairing properties. Full particle-number, spin, and isospin symmetries are restored in a simple SO(8) proton-neutron pairing model, and prospects to implement a similar approach in a realistic setting are delineated. Our results show that, provided all symmetries are restored, the pictures based on pair-condensate and quartet-condensate wave functions represent equivalent ways of looking at the physics of nuclear proton-neutron pairing.

Recommended citation: A.M. Romero, J. Dobaczewski, A. Pastore PLB 795, 177-182
